7 Sun Tolerant Low Maintenance Front Yard Plants


White Scribbled Underline

Autumn  Angel Azalea

This variety of azalea do well in sunny locations with white flowers that bloom in the spring and often again several times through the fall.

Hydrangea  Little Lime

A deciduous shrub so it will loose its flowers and leaves each winter. This is a dwarf version of it's big sister.

Dwarf Weeping Loropetalum

Purple pixie adds beautiful color. This shrub will grow up then spread as a ground cover.

Cryptomeria - Japanese Cedar

This evergreen shrub keeps it's round shape as it grows.

Abelia  Radiance

The golden color of the Twist of Mango is a great choice on either side of the front steps.

Little Gem Dwarf Southern Magnolia

This tree will stay fairly small at only 20 feet tall when fully grown so is a good option for the corner of your home.

Dwarf Dogwood 

A small slow growing low maintenance flowering tree option..

Autumn Angel Azalea Hydrangea Little Lime Dwarf Weeping Loropetalum Cryptomeria Globosa Nana | Japenese Cedar  Abelia | Twist of Mango  Little Gem Dwarf Southern Magnolia Dwarf Dogwood

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