How to Organize a Small  Walk-in Closet:  IKEA Hacks


The builder-basic system in this small 5x5 walk-in closet just didn't work. Check out how affordable Billy bookcases helped get things in order!

First, we removed everything from the closet. Repaired the walls, and swapped the fluorescent light.

Because the closet had a bump out, open Billy shelves were placed in the back. Billy bookcases with doors are in the front for a tidier look.

Once the bookcases were anchored, we attached an upper and a lower hanging rod between each bookcase. This added 4 inches of hanging space in the closet!

Adding IKEA's Bergshult shelves supported with L brackets around the top of the closet provides storage for off-season clothing, shoes, and luggage.

A curtain rod installed above the bump out is a great place to hang jeans with S hooks.

Adding extra Billy shelves prevented clothes from falling over. IKEA Skubb drawer organizing boxes work on shelves too! 

Tap "Learn More" to get the rest of the details about this budget-friendly closet makeover, 

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