
Graduation Memory Book

How Can You Express Your Feelings as Your Child Graduates? Give a DIY memory book

Create this one of a kind gift for your graduate this year.

What Is a Graduation Memory Book? It's a collection of letters, notes and memories from family, friends and mentors close to the your son or daughter. 

Send  email requesting family & friends to send letters for book.

This special gift is filled with words of encouragement, fond memories or special times for your graduate.

Use an online book-making source to complete your book. Drop each note you receive into it's own page.

Use different fonts on each page to keep book from looking like a textbook and make it interesting.

Putting together a graduation book gives those close to the graduate the opportunity to tell them how much pride, joy, and love we have for them.

Tap Learn More below to get all the details to make this special graduation gift now!

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