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Favorite Keto Meal Ideas You’ll Love| THM S

Looking for fast and healthy low carb meals? Here’s a full day of my favorite keto meal ideas. You’ll love these simple and delicious THM S meals!

favorite keto meal ideas for lunch plate of egg salad, green bell pepper chunks, pickled okra, dill pickle, and flax seed crackers

What do I eat if I want to try following Trim Healthy Mama (THM)? This is the number one question my friends ask me when I’ve told them about how I eat. Today I’m sharing some of my favorite keto meal ideas which are all either THM S or THM FP meals.

Food freedom can be a challenge at first

Food freedom is the best part about Trim Healthy Mama. Honestly, this is the part that makes it a sustainable way to eat for life. But, this idea of food freedom can be a little intimidating at first.

Most people discover THM as a way to lose weight. And while the trim does happen when you eat this way, THM really isn’t a diet. It’s a healthy lifestyle. Here’s a link for the THM Plan book that teaches you the basics.

You see, with THM, there are no strict meal plans. Your portion size may be different from my portion size. What we eat depends on each person because we all have different needs. Plus, your needs will change over time as you lose weight, have hormonal changes, etc. We don’t even count calories on Trim Healthy Mama! Although we are mindful to not abuse them.

I love that you can easily eat out at restaurants and stay on plan, even when you’re on vacation!

You can read about how I lost 25 lbs and went from a size 12 to a size 4 without counting a single calorie here. The best part? I never felt like I was on a diet. I’ve been eating this way since 2016, even though I’m at my goal weight and size. Why? Because I feel great!

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A Day of My Favorite Keto Meal Ideas

I’m a visual learner. I love seeing what other people put together for their meals! When I was first starting Trim Healthy Mama, this was how I learned to create the different kinds of meals. Even now, I still love seeing other people’s plates! I get inspired to try new recipes, or to put new foods together.

AnnMarie and I share our plates in our What’s On My Plate posts. You can find weeks of meal inspiration in our archives!

Breakfast | THM FP

plate of steamed spinach with fried eggs topped with salsa and shredded cheese and two slices of bacon

If you follow a keto lifestyle, you may not be familiar with FP meals. a THM FP meal is low in fat with less than 5 grams of fat AND low in carbs with under 10 grams of carbs. I strive to have about 3-4 FP meals each week. Usually I do it as a snack between lunch and dinner, but today I switched things up to keep my body guessing and had it in the morning.

I had two slices of turkey bacon, which have 2.5 grams of fat. I made egg whites with nutritional yeast for color and flavor. While those were cooking, I put 4 cups of raw baby spinach on a microwave-safe plate and microwaved it on high for 90 seconds until it was wilted.

For flavor, I topped the eggs with salsa and 1 Tablespoon of finely shredded cheddar jack cheese for another 2 grams of fat.

Lunch | THM S

favorite keto meal ideas for lunch plate of egg salad, green bell pepper chunks, pickled okra, dill pickle, and flax seed crackers

Egg salad is a great lunch or snack. Make a large batch and you’re set for the week. I love sprinkling it with smoked paprika! If you’ve never tried it before, you’ll be shocked at how different it is from regular paprika. It adds a great flavor to egg salad or deviled eggs.

To keep the meal low carb, I used Flackers (crackers made from flax seed) and raw green peppers to scoop it up. Plus added a mini dill pickle and some pickled okra on the side.

Dinner | THM S

bowl of chili made with pulled pork garnished with chopped onion, roasted corn, avocado, jalapenos, diced tomato, cheese, and Greek yogurt

I made a pot of chili using some leftover pulled pork. I love how the smoked pulled pork adds so much flavor! One of these days I’ll have to share my recipe with you.

I love topping my chili with lots of garnishes. It makes every bite taste a little bit different. You may notice the corn? It’s okay to use about 2 Tablespoons of corn in an S meal if you aren’t having other carbs along with it. If you follow a strict keto diet, just leave that off!

Another little tip for you: stop buying sour cream. Plain nonfat Greek yogurt tastes EXACTLY like sour cream. But it has protein and no fat. While we don’t count calories and fat grams in THM, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be mindful of them.

Snack | THM Light S

favorite keto meal ideas with peanut butter shake in a Ninja mixing cup with lid

Raise your hand if you love peanut butter! Me too! I made this shake into a Light S by using defatted peanut flour instead of peanut butter. Sure, you can use full fat sugar-free peanut butter and still be on plan, but sometimes it’s good to lighten things up a bit.

I’m going through menopause and am having to be more careful than I used to be because of the hormonal and metabolism changes that are happening. If you aren’t having those issues, feel free to use 2 Tablespoons of unsweetened peanut butter instead!

This shake is:

It is so delicious! As written above, this shake has 10 grams of fat and 23 grams of protein. For a twist, try adding a Tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder.

I hope you found some new favorite keto meal ideas today! If you have any questions or suggestions, contact me or leave a comment. Follow us over on Instagram and Facebook to see everything we’re up to.

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